Moving Survey Results are In
The results are in and we are really pleased with both the number of people who responded and the positive feedback we received. Changing the way we do business was not a quick or lightly taken decision, but it was strategic. We will be offering our customers more, not less moving forward.
Over 50% said Saturday was the best day to catch up with us face to face, with Friday and Monday running neck and neck for second. We're working on the best option to make this happen.
Over 50% said that meeting up at our warehouse was the preferred option, so stay tuned for when and where you can do that.
Demo days and Online content seemed to be the flavour when discovering more about the latest gear, with all other options also proving very popular. We are planning for the 2021 release now and we'll definitely be looking to offer more options to discover the latest gear on offer.
Purchasing was overwhelmingly online with local pick up, which is a model we are working toward as Simon revamps our website. It's going to be a busy winter.
You will find local pick up as an option in our checkout already, but we'll be aiming to fine tune the site in general, making it cleaner and more streamlined to use. Having said that, our phone will be manned 9-5 Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings so phone orders and local pick are still an easy option.
All up, the feedback was fantastic with 50% of those who completed the survey, wanting to join our Kitesurfing Extras program. This is in the development stage, but we'll be in touch soon.
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