Noosa Kitesurfing Wind & Weather
Weather Forecasts & Updates
Wind and weather reports for the Sunshine Coast area. Below you'll find a couple of forecasts and tools below that we've found to be fairly accurate for our local conditions. As with any weather forecast they're only a guideline and can often need a little interpreting in conjunction with some local knowledge. You're always welcome to call our office on 07 5455 6677 for a more up to date interpretation of our local conditions.
Sunshine Coast Weather Overview
Sunrise Beach - Current Wind and Weather
Noosa Kitesurfing Conditions
We're lucky enough to experience a very long season for kiting here in Noosa, lasting up to 10 months of the year. Like anywhere seasons tend to vary and conditions and forecasts are really only reliable on a day-to-day basis, however here's a brief rundown of the kitesurfing season and conditions in our local area.
Summer Kitesurfing Season - August-January
The Spring/Summer season is the high season for kiting here in Noosa, an excellent time of year to learn or visit with very reliable wind conditions. We predominately experience our NE'ly seabreeze this time of year, generally forming up around lunch time and building until sunset. The average range is 15-20 knots, and often reaching 25+ later in the afternoon.
The best areas to kite in these conditions are the Noosa River Mouth (on an outgoing tide), and the open beaches (Sunshine - Coolum) for a downwinder. Lake Weyba also works in a NE'ly wind, but you'll need to walk out a bit deeper to get consistent wind.
Usually we get brief southerly stints for a couple of weeks late October as the storms roll in, these conditions are very similar to those we get in January-April:
Southerly Kitesurfing Season - January-April
The Southerly season is less predictable, but is the preferred end of the season for anyone who likes big winds and big waves. Prevailing wind is formed off the back of SE'ly storm fronts which come through in cycles, often providing a few days a week of strong wind. Averaging 15-25 knots and often reaching 25-30 or more.
The open beaches are great kiting this time of year, however the ocean can be a bit on the rough side if we get a strong SE'ly. Lake Weyba is also excellent kiting this time of year, and it's the perfect time of year if you're wanting to learn and progress in easy flat water conditions.
Off Season - May/June/July
Over the winter period we generally don't get a huge amount of wind, while it will quite often be kiteable a couple of days a week it's much less predictable. We do usually score a few westerly sessions at Double Island & Inskip Points this time of year, and usually try to make a winter escape to Fiji or similar to get some warmer weather kiting in!
Where to Kitesurf in Noosa
There are plenty of great locations to kitesurf in Noosa and the surrounding Sunshine Coast area, most of them mentioned above.
We've got a full run down on some of the top local kite spots you can check out, click here!
For an up to date recommendation on the local conditions and advice on where to kite based on your skill level and preference, you can always best to contact us via email or give us a call here on 07 5455 6677.
You can also check out our videos for a couple of clips showcasing some of the local conditions!